Sunday, September 28, 2008

I start my seminary journey

I start Fuller Seminary tomoroow. I have been meaning to blog about this for quite some time. I am very excited for the this next phase in my life. I feel like my knowledge of God and his plans for us (me) are only getting bigger. It's like hiking up a mountain only to see, as you go up, the world around you getting bigger and bigger. The plans of God are far bigger than we can imagine. At times I even think that we get in the way of those plans or make them smaller. We need to allow God to be the big God that he is. He is the creater of the universe. He is our redeemer. He will restore humanity and creation. He will make things right. He will bring things back into order. The list goes on and on. He is amazing.
I spent a lot of last week attending orentation meetings at Fuller and in one of the meetings there was a panel of professors of the seminary. One of them said that a lot of the students there come to seminary to become a better leader in the Church, which is true. When going on to further education we can only hope that we are better at our profession because of it. His point was that we shouldn't forget that we are coming to study "God". Who is God? What is He like? These are the questions that we must forget to ask. Those of us there are going to a "theological" seminary. It made me think of why I am going to Fuller. I am going to study God. And as I study Him, I will see just how big his plan is for his creation, which includes us.
I will keep you all posted on how the quarter goes.
Thanks for reading,

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