Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Called to be human

In my last blog, I talked about Jesus being called out of Egpyt to be what Abraham's famliy was unable to be and also what the world was unable to be. The result of Jesus life, death, and resurrection is that we can be called out of our situation to be truly human. I have been challenged by this. Is my life reflecting the reality of the work of Jesus our Messiah? This isn't a yet to come thing but a to be realized now thing.
So, I want my experience at Fuller Seminary to be an experience that helps me to reflect this reality more and more. If I am not reflecting the image of God, than something is wrong. This goes for us all. When we truly calculate what Jesus has done, it doesn't add up if we aren't truly being human. So be challenged that when we look at our life, it should add up to what our Messiah has done for us.
So far my Fuller experience has been great. Greek class has been going well. It has helped that I have already taken Greek at Life Pacific College. This class is an intensive so it is a lot of info. I couldn't imagine taking this class with no language experience. I applaud those who are taking it with no language experience. My life right now consists of Greek, work, Disneyland, and Church. There is more to my life like family and friends but I think you get the picture. I am a bit busy. But as I have said before, I pray that this season in my life would only help me reflect God's image more and more.
Thanks for reading,

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Out of Eygpt I've called my son

So I've almost completed my first week of Fuller Seminary and it has been great so far. The more I'm here the more I realize that everyone here desires the same thing. They all want to find their role in God's redemptive plan. Some, including me, aren't sure what that looks like, but they are in search for that role. It truly is an honor and a previlege to realize that God wants us all, not just Fuller students, to be apart of His redeeming plan.
God has always wanted His people to undo the sin of adam and the decay of creation. But all have failed at this task. Look at the call of Abraham. Yahweh told Him that he would multiply greatly and that His family would be a blessing to all nations. God made a similar covenant with Adam but Adam fell. Even with Abraham, God had begun his plan to undo the sin of Adam. Yahweh's solution to the problem begun but the people he choose became part of the problem. Even when Yahweh brought Abraham's family out of Eygpt, they rebelled. They were unable to help in the problem. They just intensified it. But God had in mind the whole time to allow sin to be intensified so that it can be delt with properly in the death of the Messiah Jesus. The Messiah became what Abraham's family was unable to be. He was their representative. That is why I have said previously that what is true of the Messiah is true of His people.
So the prophet Hosea says, "Out of Eygpt I've called my son." What was Matthew thinking when quoting this in his gospel? Is he just grabbing scripture out of context and proving that Jesus is fufilling scripture in some wierd way? No. Yahweh called Abraham's family out of Eygpt but they failed in their task to be a light and a blessing. So their Representative became what they were unable to be, that is, Yahweh's son! He now is the one to deal with the sin of Adam! Jesus was called out of Eygpt to be God's son. He was to be a true Israelite. I hope you are seeing how truly amazing this is! So now, that evil has been delt with in our Representative, we can finally be free to find our role in God's redemptive plan!
So as I search to find my role in God's plan, I am reminded that I am free to do just that! We all are!
Thanks for reading,